Hello, beautiful soul!

I’m grateful you have arrived. A warm welcome to you and the loving energy that guided you here. 

My name is Charlotte Burnap. I work in the realms of feminine healing, wellness, magick, and biz. Having spent ten years (and counting!) devoted to my spiritual practice and travelling the world in search of truth, I have arrived in a space where tending to our temples, the earth, and each other is the practice.

I am here to help you remember your power and guide you back to yourself again. You are truly your own best healer and as a woman, you are deeply intuitive and connected to the earth, your body, your womb, and the cosmos. I believe these are the keys to your healing.

Whatever your goal, if you feel the call, explore the many ways we can work together, here.

Ask your womb, you know the answer already.

Explore My Offerings

You've arrived here with a mission.

Sister, you have been blessed with a gift.

Do you remember? 

In many spiritual traditions around the world, there is a belief that we each have a skill seed within us. It is the level of devotion to our spiritual work that will unveil this deep remembering and allow us to truly step into and live our purpose on this planet.

I believe we are now at a time of great spiritual evolution and we are experiencing a turn of cosmic wheels. Now, more than ever, is a time for community and supporting each other. It is clear that our current societal structures are not working for us as many people have disconnected from nature, their loved ones and actually from the true nature of reality itself. 

In these current times, more and more women are awakening to this call, are remembering their gifts and are stepping up to become the midwives for this shift in consciousness. Dear sister, it is my skill seed to help you become the best you can possibly be.

Explore My Offerings

You, your family and your community need your gifts.


You may be a brilliant yoga teacher but are still a little fearful of hosting your own classes, you may be a phenomenal reiki healer but are not quite sure of how to get your name out there or you may be a extremely passionate plant medicine facilitator but are not getting enough clients for your healing practice. 

Being of service is one of my greatest healings and realisations on my spiritual journey. When we work on supporting others, we heal ourselves. As the mystics all says, we are all one consciousness. 

It doesn't have to be difficult and it doesn't have to be challenging. I believe your spiritual business can be beautiful and simple but only when we have the right structure and support to guide us through. I believe our gifts can truly radiate and we can be of service when we do our own healing work and overcome our own internal blocks. It is the combination of these modalities which will grant us with the gift of truly stepping into our power as cosmic beings, deep soul fulfilment, the ability to grow a thriving community and ultimately, walk the path to financial freedom. 

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My Secret Sauce

My core beliefs for spiritual growth and successful business development are: 

  • Love & Compassion Towards Yourself & Others
  • Reciprocation (Ayni)
  • Presence
  • Womb Work
  • Yoga & Somatic Healing
  • Devotion
  • Shamanic Healing
  • Energy & Grid Work
  • Earth Blessings & Caretaking
  • Community
  • Plant Medicine
  • Communion With The Invisible Realms
  • Mentorship
  • IG Strategy
  • Sleep 
  • Orgasms
  • Gut-health
  • Boundaries
  • Forgiveness

When you thrive,

your business thrives. 

 You are the keeper of    this  dream.

What dream are you dreaming into reality? 

From my perspective, the most important thing we can do for ourselves, our families, our communities, our businesses and the planet is to maintain our physical, mental, energetic and spiritual health. We must become conscious of the thoughts we are manifesting into reality every single day and begin to dream a new dream.

It is through healing, transformation and a clear roadmap that we can join the path to evolution and break free from the chains of stagnancy. For me, it wasn't enough for my business to just survive, I desired more for myself and for everyone around me. My dream was to truly thrive and when I made this commitment to myself, my growth and my business, everything began to blossom in abundance. 

If you feel the call to dream a new dream, to connect deeper to the world around you and to stand up as a leader in your industry, explore my options of working together, I'd love to hear from you.

Let's Connect


My Trainings & Qualifications


  • The Cosmic Feminine Guide: Moon Body (still under completion)
  • 4 Year First-Class Honours in PR: Bournemouth University
  • 200hr Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga:  Triguna Yoga in Rishikesh India
  • 30hr Mindful Yin Yoga: Jennifer Raye 
  • 6hr Breathwork Teacher Training: Brian Malone
  • 8-Week Zen Buddhist Meditation & Mindfulness 1-1: Maxine Craig
  • Andean Shamanic Medicine Wheel: South, West & North Direction:  Cate Clare
  • 8-Week Andean Teachings: Skie Hummingbird
  • Peruvian Amazon Jungle Medicine Healings lvls 1 & 2: Skie Hummingbird
  • 18 Month Shamanic Healing, Plant Dieta and Mentorship: Plant Spirit Medicine Woman
  • 8-Week Cacaoista Training: Cacao Amor
  • Jungle Medicine Healings lvls 1 & 2: Skie Hummingbird
  • Angelic Reiki lvls , 2, 3 & 4 (Masters. Level): Helen Porter 
  • Seichim lvl 1 & Usui Reiki lvls 1&2: Poppy Ridley 


  • 11 Day Andean Energy Medicine & Ancient Knowledge Retreat with Maestro Puma in Peru, 2023
  • Yoga & Healing Retreat in Canterbury, UK 2023 (hosted)
  • Women’s Day Retreat in Margate, UK 2023 (guest host)
  • Yoga & Meditation Retreat in Sintra, Portugal 2022
  • Yoga & Reiki Retreat in Istria, Croatia 2022 (hosted)
  • x2 Hatha & Kundalini Retreat in Canterbury, U.K. 2022 (hosted) Vipassana in Mae Hong Son, Thailand 2018
  • Yoga & Meditation Retreat in Siem Reap, Cambodia 2018
  • Silent Zen Buddhist Retreat in Dorset, UK 2017
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