£45.00 GBP

Rapé Ceremony

Saturday 3rd August 2024: 2pm-5pm

Location: Canterbury, location TBA

Join myself, Helen Porter and Pablo Lacayo for an afternoon of Rapé healing and medicine songs. 

Rapé is a psychotropic substance that has been used for thousands of years for sacred and spiritual practices, it is tobacco-based snuff that provides many benefits.

Originating from Brazil, pronounced "ha-peh" or "rapay", Rapé is a medicine that contains Nicotiana Rustica (known as tobacco or mapacho) as well as other healing herbs.

It is administered into the nose and once the medicine enters your body, it permeates through your mucous membranes into your bloodstream. This process makes you feel calm and relaxed, yet aware and alert.

Rapé can induce purging but not always. It is a beautiful medicine for those looking for clarity, grounding, and a significant shift in energy.

I will be working alongside the incredible Helen Porter in this ceremony, as well as having assistance from Mexican healer, Pablo Lacayo. 

Join me in circle as we:

  • Gather in an intimate circle 
  • Receive the cleansing of the sacred smoke of Copal and Agua de Florida
  • Journey with the cleansing medicine of Rapé 
  • Receive the medicine of song and shamanic healings
  • Reflect, journal, share, listen & integrate
  • Be held in a nurturing and compassionate space

What you will need:

  • An open heart 
  • A journal and a pen
  • Comfy clothes to wear
